Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Reader responce

After looking over many of the reviews of UTC on Goodreads and Amazon books, there were two categories that most reviews fell under. Those being It was a great book, both as a novel and as an important historical book, and that the novel itself was not all that great but it still had historical importance. Many who disliked the novel said that it was slow and demanded sympathy from characters that needed more reasoning. Others, especially on Barnes and Noble saw the novel as well written and puts the past in a very realistic light. Those who thought it was bad were summarized well by Goodreads user, Anirudh, Who stated “The pace of the novel is quite slow... melodramatic with characters which demand your sympathy” and “The book was difficult read. It took much longer than I expected to finish.” On the other hand, those who thought the novel was good can be summarized by an anonymous guest user on Barnes and Noble, stating “This book is a very nice read....Harriet Beecher Stowe does a wonderful job of showing the cruelties of slavery and the diversity of slave owners...” and this statement from Amazon user, Regina W, “ is a well-written book with a lot of societal impact tied to it.....Stowe’s strong literary tactics in Uncle Tom’s Cabin really helped her drive home her message of anti-slavery...I would definitely recommend reading Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” Overall, I have to say that my opinion lies directly in the middle of these two opinions. I believe that the novel can be very slow at times and that some of the characters tend to be melodramatic while requiring ample amounts of sympathy from the reader fairly often. However, the story is structured well, with having much of the plot being two-forked, meaning that there is always an opposite to each character and that helps the reader see thing from most points of view. I also believe that this puts the past in an extremely real light and allows the reader to feel the struggles of those times first hand. So in overview, my opinion is that the book is fairly decent, gets the point across, but can drag from time to time, allowing the reader to get distracted.

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